Thursday, 23 February 2017

desembre del 2016 Acció a L'Escocesa

Here's the link: This is a Tesla Tapes New release!
Dwellings & Proximity Sensor
Dwellings & Proximity Sensor - ESC_BCN, by Tesla Tapes

Action in collaboration with Chris Haslam and Guillermo Carrión, at L'Escocesa. Annual group exhibition. December 2016.

NúWols, pols metàl·lica per a recobrir els núWols rosa, corbates, tela blanca, cinta de pintor, i funda per a aparell de laboratori.

Live at LEscocesa! Unes imatges de l'acció musical! (pictures from the video photo camera)

A picture of the three members group
Dark Sound Light / White Light Still
DarkXX Sound Lite / LivingRoom Light Still

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Me and the Marshmallows ... glossy sticky in glitter (lick them with your tongue) saliva (the liquid that is produced in your mouth that helps you to swallow food)
Estirat a terra, arrossegant-me pel terra, amb el micròfon i tot l'acompanyament sonor possible i fantàstic de Dwellings and Proximity Sensor.

Another point of view/It's me again Lying down on the ground. The head is in the bag.

Dirty Marshmallows in white stepped display. Did you step on my white?

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Further reading:

Tape release:
Dwellings & Proximity Sensor - ESC_BCN

Dwellings - Chris Haslam
Proximity Sensor - Llapispanc & Guillermo Carrión

All music recorded between 3rd & 16th December 2016 at La Escocesa, Barcelona. 

Edited & mixed by Chris Haslam

Thanks to all of the artists, doers & thinkers at La Escocesa, Barcelona

Imatge del casset/Art cover tape

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Els núWols, un cop insalivats, es tornen enganxifosos, i la pols metàl·lica s'hi enganxa fàcilment, sense permís ni opcions de resistir-s'hi mitjançant mètodes agrícoles de dirigir l'aigua cap als bons canals de retransmissió ni especialment prudent ni prudencialment especial com un gra de fonoll que es reparteixi en els llocs més nostrats ni a les sortides de metro.
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psicodèlic -a (Institut d'Estudis Catalans, Diec2)
1 adj. [MD] Que provoca un estat de particular exaltació de la consciència. La LSD és una droga psicodèlica.
2 adj. [MD] Provocat per l’absorció de drogues psicodèliques. Estat psicodèlic.

psychedelic (adjective) Link
1 (of drugs) causing the user to see and hear things that are not there or that do not exist (= to hallucinate )
2 (of art, music, clothes, etc.) having bright colors, strange sounds, etc. like those that are experienced when taking psychedelic drugs
Psychedelic art is any art or visual displays inspired by psychedelic experiences and hallucinations known to follow the ingestion of psychoactive drugs such as LSD and psilocybin. The word "psychedelic" (coined by British psychologist Humphry Osmond) means "mind manifesting". By that definition, all artistic efforts to depict the inner world of the psyche may be considered "psychedelic". In common parlance "psychedelic art" refers above all to the art movement of the late 1960s counterculture.
(Features: Bright and/or highly contrasting colors /Extreme depth of detail or stylization of detail. Also so called Horror vacui style / etc.)

Do you have anything to add to this?

Wednesday, 22 February 2017

Iogurt / Yogurt Art Composition # 22nd Fbr

Composició 2017 d'art-iogurt // Yogurt Art Composition

This is 2017 Fucking Yogurt Art Composition!

22 de febrer del 2017

Avui m'he menjat un iogurt // He perdut el costum de menjar un iogurt cada dia, ja no en menjo gairebé mai, i si en menjo, que siguin de caaaabra!! (Però aquest és grec, i no de cabra).

I have eaten a yogurt Today, Wednesday 22nd February of the current year in the atmosphere of my neighbourhood, near the sea. El Poblenou/ Poble New/ New Town. Superblocks (nine squares) is in El Poblenou. Link

Procés de tres passos per arribar a llepar la tapa de iogurt...
Three steps to lick the yogurt lid ...

""··"%$·%$·_____---+++`+// This is not a product sell-by date

mmmm He  llepat els encontorns de la cosa i me n'he sortit !!!

I have licked the sorroundings of the "thing" And I'm still here ! // Uaaaa !

"Transmetropolitan" (The Pogues) Yip-ay-aye !!!

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Extra further art work in white yogurt nipple ... (greek yogurt)

A white spot on the yogurt lid

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Further reading:

(Work in progress) (Sorry for the mistakes!) I have been busy moving some kind of brain head blocks from one side to the other side into my cerebral dark brain as an object that improves moving things into in order to expand them to the outside espace from the brain // movent d'un costat a l'altre del cervell algunes de les idees que serien necessàries // block head brain

Tuesday, 14 February 2017

A long distance

A long distance text
This is a very long picture... but incomplete, not completed yet. This is an under contruction work in progress

Lift Your Skinny Fists Like Antennas to Heaven

From: / De l'altra: "una distància molt llarga de mida entre..."
aaaaaHHH !
From A to L:
This is not a Link

- - - - -
Text from the previous entry "una distància molt llarga" Link
A long distance between the start and the end
There is a long distance and it keeps you high, in that kind of trouble...

Here's an example of a picture of words in a long distance from the first letter at the very beginning and the last letter at the end. A long distance.

This is a (long display of words) image

"una imatge molt llarga"
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Monday 13th February 2017
"Several of the writers, however, (...) would probably prefer the statement by Tchekov, that a story should have neither a beginning nor an end. (...)"

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Tuesday 14th February 2017
"(...) It can present merely a study in character, or a mood, or the complexities of a situation to wich there appears to be no solution."
(John Hadfield, 1984, Introduction, Modern Short Stories to 1940, Everyman's Library)

Indoor Undefined Repeated Studio Action

Wednesday, 8 February 2017

Pensive // a way of thinking // Pensativa pensatiu

versió millorada

Brain Beach True Color (Enhanced version)

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Avui/Today: 9 de febrer març del 2017
Actualitza ...

"Murray Ostril: '...They Don't Sleep Anymore on the Beach...'"

Start at point 43:50 (on the Internet):
'...They Don't Sleep Anymore on the Beach...'
'People from all over the World Came here...'

a whimsy idea

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Avui 10 febrer/ 10 th February 2017

Pensive official standard ceremonies:

Pensive Official Standard Parade

" 'No form of art', wrote Sommerset Maugham, 'is produced unless there is a demand for it, (...)"

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13 febrer del 2017 

"Several of the writers, however, (...) would probably prefer the statement by Tchekov, that a story should have neither a beginning nor an end. (...)"

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Gradually work in Update in progress
14th February 2017

Late afternoon sunflower

"(...) the complexities of a situation to which there appears to be no solution."

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Update Thursday Friday 17th February 2017

Facing the dark with Pensive Official Standard (1)
 Extra interpolated clause Update
Wednesday 1st March 2017
(Walter de la Mare)
"haunting appeal as is expressed in so many of de la Mare's poems, for instance:

Who is it calling by the darkened river
Where the moss lies smooth and deep,
And the dark trees lean unmoving arms,
Silent and vague in sleep,
And the bright-heeled constellations pass
in splendor through the gloom;
Who is it calling o'er the darkened river
In music, 'Come!'?"

Facing the dark with Pensive Official Standard (2)
"There is virtually no plot, there is little development, the ending is not a surprise."

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Tuesday 21st February 2017

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Tuesday 28th February 2017

"(...) what John Galsworthy rated the essential in a short-story writer: 'the power of interesting sentence by sentence'. Unlike the novelist, the short-story writer cannot rely upon the cumulative effect of chapter after chapter."

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Unable to load Beach True Color configuration file

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Update Thursday March 2nd 2017

gloom: [uncountable, singular] a feeling of being sad and without hope. Link

tenebra f, foscor f; fig melangia f, tristesa f. Enllaç

Error (Error_500_Internal_Error:_execve_()_failed)

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Update Monday March 6th 2017

Esdevenir (Filos)
Repetint/Repeating (a way of repeating itself)

"Creem, doncs, repetint, i repetim també creant. La força del fenomen és esplèndida. La terbolesa que genera també: una repetició que sembli nova, una novetat que sembli repetida, etcètera, etcètera."

Del llibre "Paraules locals" / From the book "Paraules locals" (Local Words), Tushita edicions, 2015 (
d'en Perejaume / by Perejaume

Sunday, 5 February 2017

Una distància molt llarga de mida entre l'inici i la fi

A long distance between the start and the end
There is a long distance and it keeps you high, in that kind of trouble...

Here's an example of a picture of words in a long distance from the first letter at the beginning and the last letter at the end. A long distance.

This is a (long display of words) image that we recommend strongly to read carefully in a kind heart
Del_traductor_:_Aquesta és una (llarga exposició de paraules) d'imatge que recomanem llegir detingudament en un bon cor
Text distance emblazoned with the length’s A to L points (from one end to the other). I tried to lengthen the words until the black shape lasts... Please, take care...
Hmm, We can't reach this image... (1)

Hmm... we can't reach this image... (2)
Let's try to go from one point to the other...
This is not an illustration, this is a mental picture.

Uuuuuaaaaaa ! Huh ? Hum ! Oh yeah ! Oh Nooo !
The length of width

Green text in the long distance between the first and the last... from A to L the width

Here! You got it: the image. Click on and try: (Would be a good idea if you download it):

How long time it takes to read the full length of text?
Did you see the length of this text?

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We walked down the long “text” corridor / It's a long way away

There was a long silence before we spoke ... from A to L (and in the end it was too late)

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La imatge més llarga: Això és una disposició llarga d'un seguit de paraules creant una imatge a partir del fons negre que ha condicionat la mida i la distància final entre la lletra inicial A fins a la darrera lletra L (i hi han mancat dues lletres per arribar amb exactitud al final de l'ombra negra).

Una text que va des de la lletra inicial A fins a la darrera lletra L apostrofada, i sense incloure-hi el text de sota que està entre parèntesis, on s'especifica el que s'hi especifica. Però no hauria d'aclarir massa cosa, potser.