Eridxcc Safggttie VexXXLati_ons plus WaltejhR DickeKlnRson PLUvSgf Suhgn RaeaAA meetxzz PrugfDDencvjgCiuK's in thDa HousZZe
Eridxcc Safggttie VexXXLati_ons plus WaltejhR DickeKlnRson PLUvSgf & Suhgn RaeaAA VViddfgSionjhgcXXs meetxzz PrugfDDencvjgCiuK's in thDa HousZZe
Aquí barrejades hi ha les pistes de so de diferents gravacions que funcionen com una unlimited unreleased però ben buscada barreja d'elements que es complementen, vinil, cd i so directe amb objectes diversos. Els autors es poden trobar barrejats entre les lletres del text inicial, poden ser identificats si es desbrossa tal com podria arribar a ser un espai sonor on per aquesta vegada no hi ha pedal de distorsió, coma.
Lyrics (fake)
Email me th plans for the evening, like how many sets you are doing with who etc and I'll speak to th other guys about making something happen! Enjoy the film //
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Further reading:
Here's when you should play your biggest noise if you're trying to lose your head (launch the song The Banana Question/Royal Trux) (This has nothing to do with the recording)
Eric Satie Vexations / Walt Dickerson & Sun Ra Visions / plus extra soundscape at home (chair, kitchen, )
"Music ground Noise Player was not impressed with Distortion Pedal Metal Awareness' decision to send off Noise Structure in Tuesday's Go-Track Sound-Shopping-Trolley defeat at the hands of Maracas Fast Player."(Constructive Neutrons)
Visions+Vexations+prdnc (draft)
((((( )))))
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Update 19th April 2017
Bandcamp Versus Myspace...
myspace ... l'enllazz
.. .. ..
Update The Second, 19th April 2017
Link to birds guitar player (Des oiseaux qui jouent de la guitarre)
Visions+Vexations+prdnc (draft)
((((( )))))
No tracks here yet. Log in to add some!
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Update 19th April 2017
Bandcamp Versus Myspace...
myspace ... l'enllazz
.. .. ..
Update The Second, 19th April 2017
Link to birds guitar player (Des oiseaux qui jouent de la guitarre)