Friday, 12 January 2018

satatement & declaració humorous ò ò ò ò ò

a humorous look at the world of ...

declaració d *(continua m_s avall)_+-

statement in pictures

Picture 1< Is that a statement or a question? 

Picture 2< Your statement is misleading.

Picture 3< Are the following statements true or false?

Caution May contain extra pictures...

Benjamin Buchloh  on Gerhard Richter

Joan M Minguet Batllori , author

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Declaraci'o d-avui ...

Aquesta 'es una dec;laraci'o rp[a[ida amb el teclat esberlat fent un estil descodificat perque[ s`ha desconfigurat des de temps immeromrials que a vegades funicna i a vegades no, com les imatges que a vegades es veuen b'e i a vegades no es veuen com si fossin ??___ hi ha car[acters que estan bescanviats.   ui ui   ui

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Update Tuesday 16th of January 2018

Photo from a statement, because The grapes of wrath,
an American realist novel written by John Steinbeck and published in 1939 

Una declaració com a resultat de la novel·la El raïm de la ira. Sis vegades vaga.

Six times "vaga" (strike)

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Update Friday 19th January 2018

Six times Strike (sis vegades vaga) / everyday Is Like The day ...
Segue link, (seldom) 

De fet, les dues paraules estan directament relacionades: Vaga i rei.
Actually Th
e two words Are directly Linked : strike and king, the perfect segue to the questions

sense rei 

- - -No king

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Update 23rd February 2018

Nails from around
My Nails composition statement
(((difficult to stop or control)))
August 2017, New York Nail Composition

Are you a Compulsive Nail-biter?

Nail biting, also known as onychophagy or onychophagia (or even erroneously onchophagia), is an oral compulsive habit. It is sometimes described as a parafunctional activity, the common use of the mouth for an activity other than speaking, eating, or drinking.
considered an impulse control disorder
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nail biting
especially amongst children ...
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Thursday, 11 January 2018

Una distància curta ((___ // a short dist_nce

it had short hair. // one of these days
una línia curta de text, però amb molt significat  

(Continuarà) (to be continued)

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Update 9th february 2018 // Actualitzat

passarem per la passera més estreta i illenca que hi hagi, la que ens faci dubtar i fer marxa enrere si cal i com si calgués entrar per un entaforament de coses que miren enllà pel forat d'una clau que no entra en el forat del pany. Fora els cadenats i les llepolies que ens afavoreixen entrar en estats pensatius com en letargia anormal d'inacció crespuscular. Volia fer anant endavant però estava blocat com frenat per una energia agrupadora.

Wednesday, 3 January 2018

LEruga Desembre 2017 _ Gener 2018

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UNa Eruga del desembre va ser alliberada el dia 2 de gener al pati de la xemeneia.
// A Caterpillar was freed ...

Una eruga verda com les fulles // A green Caterpillar  as winter leaves

k7 - cassette Tape
Una eruga alliberada // quina cosa terrible per a les fulles verdes

This is Terrible to green leaves ... isn't it? (Reel)

No energy Rewind // Sense fer servir energia el#ctrica per a rebobinar

k7 - cassette Tape

Encara no hi ha la versi_ del v_deo, // oncoming a video-track from the action
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Update 23rd February 2018_ _ _ _

This a silent Video ...

Kreator_Terribk_Crtnty shot (públic)

Llapispanc, Silent Behind Needle, 2018
"Don't let the silence needle you."

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Update 5th May 2018

Storming with menace !  / # Under the guillotine

Still not available the sound of cassette Tape faster than playing Red Pepper Maracas

Tuesday, 2 January 2018

The Proximity Sensor soundtrack oncoming

Post Draft Draft (Draft post)

A piece of sound made during a rehearsal in the stairs, using the sound of the stairs (at the first floor)

Where have all the stairs gone?

Photo of the stairs // first floor

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Update 3rd January 2018

"Slow picture coming" to the post ...

Great of all Stairs

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Update 23rd March 2018

 TriangLe TriangLe in the studio number Four
We are Like Magenta and Fuchsia TriangLes.
We have to go through straight forward with the guitar pedals and cables. Cables are Not Fuchsia-magenta. Link // Cable and wire, all around and surroundings. Everything you see is cable.

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Update 10th April 2018

Video / Unlisted video on Youtube / (This is) Advantageous!


What type of Sun heating do you have?

Art Studio Number #4 Sun Amplifiers

_____________ ______  ____

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Central heating amplifier Precipitation