Friday, 23 February 2018


Video of Piano Piece with felt
"She plays the piano" / "I Can't Play piano"

Can't see that of pressing the black and white keys on the keyboard

Piano4Fbr Piano Felt Piece
(Ocult) Link

DatA de CreAciÓ /// 2017 /// Date Taken

Inner Performance of a Piano Felt Piece by Josepfina Vives.

Shot by LLapispanc in a home like a sweet home in El Poblenou, 4th February, 2017.

Un piano amb el feltre de protecció de les tecles, per protegir les tecles de la pols, malgrat que hi ha la tapa. La tapa, femení, el feltre, masculí.

Piano Piece 4th February 2017 (a year ago)
Peça de piano amb la dificultat que es toca amb el feltre de protecció per a la pols encara situat damunt les tecles del piano. Les tecles, femení, el piano, masculí.

Intèrpret i creació, Josefina Vives.

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s text:

Aquesta peça forma part d'un seguit de peces que #potser es gravar
an i aniran fent una compilació d'objectes sonors, d'impressions immediates, sense premeditació, al voltant del fet de tocar i de gravar-ho amb la càmera de fotos que fa vídeos, vídeos no més llargs de 29 minuts per no vulnerar/lesionar la normativa de càmeres de vídeo, etc. La propera vegada faríem alguna cos més moderna tipus Sock it to 'em JB (Sock it to 'Em J B) dels Specials, però només la part del teclat transportada només a piano ... #potser. Tal com ells canten/diuen ... "You Only Live Twice"

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Update Friday 23rd March 2018

Not enough black // 11 views
Unlisted ... ... ...
very black // 11 views

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Saturday, 17 February 2018

Sabates // Shoe Sole Art awayz

I need a half sole / #massive half sole

I’ve got a hole in the sole of my shoe.

Mitja sola / Desgast / Wearing away / sabates

///// Art in the soles, walking with the art at the bottom part of the figure. A Sole: a "leathering" leading figure in the sole shoe industry. /////
This is about A large area of shoe sole that has never been developed or used for growing "wearing aways" because it is difficult to live there / to be there.

High Quality Images of my Shoe Soles in Sole Walkin'Awayz (Not the Soles of my feet)

//////// Video (If I can't Have You) in keyboards

Peu esquerre / Left foot
Peu dret / Right foot 

You may know / Ja ho deus saber

Small pieces of junk to wearing awayz / You trashed My soles
"Passejaré, ahir vaig escriure, trepitjant la meva obra, avui que plou, quatre gotes en el moment de fer el cartellet, després ja no va ploure més, només van caure quatre gotes. Ennuvolat, 2018."

L'art a la sola. Art per a ser trepitjat. Did you step on my Studio?  Did YOu Step on My Trumpet?//
#Did I step on YouR TrumPet? Link into the song

Vas trepitjar la meva bicicleta a dins el taller?
Did You step on my Bike in the studio?
Have You ever stepped on My shoe?

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Today is 17th February 2018

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Update 29th March 2018

Uploading a photo, past days in February

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Update Thursday 5th of July 2018

I fell down in my studio (while stepping on my sole wearing awayz) (I didn't step on it)

3 shots, I got some good shots of the sole of my shoes 'at the falling down' (for the first time).