'Another summer has passed before us.
and Not one man has appeared,
and Not one woman has revealed
the secrets of this world.'
"We got up early,
Washed our faces,
Walked the fields
Put up crosses.
Passed through
The damned mountains,
Went hellwards,
And some of us returned,
And some of us did not."
"In the dark places"/ "Marquès apuntador"
1))Link to the song
2))a partir del minut 20'40__
Link to next song
i després ve això del passeig per dins del cos com a repositori d'una energia que s'escau si hi escau la 'Luna que riela en cristal de plata'
we are going to have success __ like these glasses
ho petarem tot ___ com aquests vidres
"Rotozaza II"
Your Power
Your FuneraL
We are in our own FuneraL Parlour
and then
Hit (the North) // 'Hit the North' - The Fall
[transitive] to bring your hand, or an object you are holding, against somebody/something quickly and with force
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Something happening into my head all along from the beginning until the end, in a mind process .../
ha passat dins el meu cap durant aquest temps que va des de l'inici
fins que acaba, fent com un procés de pensament que no es pot
transportar a un altre lloc ni moment, un lloc no és possible perquè
no ocupa espai i un moment sempre passa i desapareix enmig de la
boira com emboirat i poc àgil, malgrat la poca pesantor relacionada
amb allò aspre i poc lluent, com més aviat refractari calcari i
Hyphen the mark (- ) of letters in italic that we cannot see the hyphen in italic or not /
El guionet en cursiva no es nota si és en cursiva o no.
El guionet en cursiva no es nota si és en cursiva o no.
http://www.diccionari.cat/ lexicx.jsp?GECART=0115636
no m'he rentat les dents i tinc la boca aspre com si m'hagués posat
un caramel de bicarbonat sense sucre, només pel fet de sentir la
rugositat de les superfícies i la cremor dels àcids com de la
saliva que no pot arrodonir les punxes del tast que crema.
'refractory' __ dictionary
rough__ I haven't brushed my teeth and I have a rough taste like a bicarbonate sweet sugar-free, just to feel the rugosity of surfaces and the burn of acids as saliva that cannot make round the burning taste of sharp points (the spikes of the burning tasting).
___// paste
XIV; del ll. td. pasta,
i aquest, del gr. pástē 'farina
barrejada amb suc', der. de páttō 'vessar,
f 1 1 Massa
tova formada d'una substància sòlida mòlta o polvoritzada mesclada
íntimament amb aigua o un altre líquid. Es
mulla l'argila i se'n fa una pasta.
[singular] a soft wet mixture, usually made of a powder and a liquid
The government has denied that the events ever happened.
#successful breaking
#ho estem petant
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Update 11th/12th of April 2020 Follow me follow me
(((I have seen death
I looked it in the eyes...)))
From Black Lips Good Bad Not Evil's Transcendental Light / 'TrnscndntL Lght PdLzz'
Lyrics ...
"I've seen death
I looked it in the eyes
God has forsaken me
Now it's your time to die
It's time to gather now
To sing in song
Your pleas won't inhibit me
And soon you'll be gone
Burning sensations
Come on home with me
Sunday morning
Fearful warnings
Never meant that much to me
Death is like birth
And then you'll fly
A new beginning
Let's give it a try
Effervescent children
Let's hold my hand
The sun shines bright
To the promise land
Follow me follow me
Follow me follow me
Follow me follow me-e-ee"
- From House Beautiful
The 10 Biggest Gardening Mistakes You Don’t Realize You’re Making
Update 7th of May 2020 "in out Black egg"
Black Lips at Apolo BCN on May 2018
Black Lips at Apolo BCN |
and ...
in out (The government has denied that the events ever happened) |
Again!! The government has denied that the events ever happened.
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