put away / phrasal verb
to put something in the place where it is kept because you have finished using it
I don't have white shoes !! I just still have the dust on the ground / ‘It’s not a yoghurt’
I'm going back to my inner inner ( the inner workings of my miner mind)
Leaving studio four ___
Update 7th of December 2020// "new thoughts, new experiences, (...) a full decade (...) new annihilation."
Gnod, friends of mine__
“We’re always searching for new music, new thoughts, new experiences” says Chris “That drove us a lot in the early days, and still does.” A full decade, countless enlightened minds and scores of ruptured speaker cones later, the GNOD journey continues unabated - onward to fresh creation and new annihilation.
Ten_years_later_ground_floor_2020 (dark green grey) |
Update 19th of DEcember 2020 / _ Small GRteythkrf ___..;
'Say something'
Small pieces of plastic
Toys in the post Studio /
Amb tocs de testa i caps confinats a la brossa residu magma espès com d'un so que farà les delícies de les fruites típiques de la tardor encara... per poc que a vegades semblen fantasmes sense la granota als peus com de closques d'ou que fan de pell d'alvocat.
<<this post needs to be updated>>
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Update 18th of February 2021
DownLoad Free DownLoad ____
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Update 8th of September 2021
The branch,__ -((/// la branca
I took itfrom the street, almost a year ago, // la vaig collir del carrer fa gairebé un any
This is Not the studio
(image stiLL Not Found, but wait ...)
best room in da house for the branch / la millor cambra de la casa per a la branca, dawning of a New era !! We wanted a revolution ))))))
This post Needs to be Updated ///
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