Wednesday 22 February 2017

Iogurt / Yogurt Art Composition # 22nd Fbr

Composició 2017 d'art-iogurt // Yogurt Art Composition

This is 2017 Fucking Yogurt Art Composition!

22 de febrer del 2017

Avui m'he menjat un iogurt // He perdut el costum de menjar un iogurt cada dia, ja no en menjo gairebé mai, i si en menjo, que siguin de caaaabra!! (Però aquest és grec, i no de cabra).

I have eaten a yogurt Today, Wednesday 22nd February of the current year in the atmosphere of my neighbourhood, near the sea. El Poblenou/ Poble New/ New Town. Superblocks (nine squares) is in El Poblenou. Link

Procés de tres passos per arribar a llepar la tapa de iogurt...
Three steps to lick the yogurt lid ...

""··"%$·%$·_____---+++`+// This is not a product sell-by date

mmmm He  llepat els encontorns de la cosa i me n'he sortit !!!

I have licked the sorroundings of the "thing" And I'm still here ! // Uaaaa !

"Transmetropolitan" (The Pogues) Yip-ay-aye !!!

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Extra further art work in white yogurt nipple ... (greek yogurt)

A white spot on the yogurt lid

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Further reading:

(Work in progress) (Sorry for the mistakes!) I have been busy moving some kind of brain head blocks from one side to the other side into my cerebral dark brain as an object that improves moving things into in order to expand them to the outside espace from the brain // movent d'un costat a l'altre del cervell algunes de les idees que serien necessàries // block head brain

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